
Some trials are because of outward circumstances. Things are pressed on us that we do not have much control over. However the major trial is dealing with what comes up from inside of us. The outward pressure is often what it takes to reveal the inner places that are in need of healing love.

I see the pressure like fire. It is a light illuminating what is going on inside. The light shows where we may have false belief systems, and exposes places where we carry or shame or guilt. It uncovers areas where we hide behind pride, and reveals places tainted by anger and bitterness.

 All of this is difficult to look at and face within us, but don't get too caught up in looking at what the light exposes. Keep your main focus on the light itself. Step into the flame and let all of the other stuff burn away.

 Stepping in may be as simple as saying "God I receive Your love in this place". Or it could be more intense. God may want to give you a new paradigm for living life. He may want to re-write a story in your life from a higher perspective than you had originally seen. He may bring to mind someone you need to forgive, or show you a place where you need to come into alignment with His heart and His ways. What ever it is receive His love in that place and walk in the freedom that truth brings. 

Yes it is challenging, but it is beautiful to see and experience the hand of God moving inside, changing, re-arranging and forming Christ within us.

Don’t be afraid of the fire. It is the passion and intensity of God's love bringing you into perfect wholeness and unity with Him. 

Step in and be transformed! 


I Wanna Know You

This song  was written in November 2020, and came out of a place of intense longing to see and experience God in deeper depths.

There is a place of full satisfaction and it is found in the knowledge of God. This is a knowing that goes beyond facts. It surpasses simply encountering God and experiencing Him in different moments of life. This is about abiding in Him, entangling with His heart and His desires. It is a place where not only do we live and move and have our being in Him, but we also see how He lives and moves and has His being in us. This is what my heart longs for above all else. As you listen, and engage with God may you experience the intensity of His heart for you! 

This is eternal life, that they may know You, 

The only true God and Jesus Christ 

Whom You have sent. 

John 17:3



Heaven To Earth

I have spent hours at the keyboard worshipping and praising the Lord while playing this song. Many heavenly experiences have flowed out of those times. 

It all started back in July 2013 during an impromptu jam session with 2 of my sisters. We have jammed together many times before but this time was different. It was as if a new doorway opened up for the music to come forth. 

That next morning we played together a little more and wrote a song about heavenly worship called "Before The Throne". Then I pulled out a song I had started writing but couldn't seem to finish. We were in such a great flow that I was easily able to complete it: "Heaven To Earth"!At that time Don Crossland, (minister at Melchizedek Christian Church ), had been speaking a lot about the Throne of God. He gave a teaching on the lightning, sounds, and peals of thunder coming from the throne. Notes from that message helped me to write the chorus. 

In my times spent playing the song, praising, worshipping, and listening, I have come to realize that heaven comes to earth through us. As we individually focus on the throne, see the lighting and receive the revelation, allowing it to change and transform us, we release heaven on earth. It may start out small, just in our own sphere of influence, but it will grow until everywhere we look we will see His kingdom on earth as it in in Heaven!

As you listen to the song take the time to engage the throne of God. Give attention to the lights and the sounds. It may be as simple as just a warmth you feel inside, or a stirring in you heart. Maybe you will hear words or see pictures. Whatever you experience, give a response to it with your voice by speaking the words, or just releasing a sound. You are the catalyst for Heaven on earth!