Annie Ford




Sometimes drummer

I was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan, but was primary raised in Alabama. 

Some of my earliest music memories are of listening to Bebe and Cece Winans, Walter Hawkins and The Love Alive Choir, or jamming to Ron Kenoly while playing “church” with my 4 sisters. 

My parents were greatly impressed by the Vineyard Church movement, and had a strong passion for worship music. I grew up listening to and singing Vineyard songs. My dad played guitar, and mom sang. We had regular family worship services. As my sisters and I grew up, we each learned an instrument and joined in. 

I was not introduced to Contemporary Christian Music until my teenage years. Then it was like a whole new world! I was particularly impacted by artist like Avalon (my favorite), Steven Curtis Chapman, Crystal Lewis, FFH, and Point of Grace, just to name a few. 

It was a pivotal time in my life for two main reasons. Firstly because I began to take Christianity seriously. I started to intentionally focus my heart on prayer, Bible reading, and building a relationship with God. Secondly it was also the time when I began to really take notice of the song lyrics, and the writers (and wonder if maybe I could do that). I began to dream of moving to Nashville Tennessee in order to be close to the music that so inspired me.

For some reason I was pretty sure that you had to be born with special abilities in order to be a songwriter, and I was certain that I had not been given that “gift”. However, the desire to try it was persistent and so one day I grabbed a pen, paper, my Bible, and a dictionary and attempted to write a song. It worked! I was thrilled. 

For the record, the song is called “Butterfly” and is based off of 2 Cor. 5:17 which speaks of being a new creation in Christ. I compared the new life to a butterfly going through metamorphosis, and yes I did use the word “metamorphosis” in the lyric.

With my newfound writing abilities I gathered my sisters together to form a band: three guitarist, (electric, acoustic and bass), one on keyboard and myself on drums. We had a great time playing, writing songs, and even recording an album. It was a fun season that passed all too quickly. The band eventually ended, but the creative flow of music continued on.

Fast-forward to 2010, I finally moved to Nashville!

Again, it was like a whole new world opened up, but this time that “new world” was inside of me.

A prayer/question that was in my heart for years was finally answered. 

I was always asking God for “more”. It seemed like I was doing all the right things: daily Bible reading, Scripture memory, Bible school, missions, ministering to and praying for people. I saw good results from all of that, but still the questions remained. Is this it? Is this all there is to being a Christian? Why am I not more “fulfilled”? Those questions really began to surface after I moved, and they demanded an answer. I had to do some soul-searching.

One thing a friend of mine said to me I will never forget “God doesn’t want professional Christians. He wants relationship.” Yes I knew that, or so I thought, but I didn’t live like I believed it. My actions were more about what I could do for God, not what He has done for me. It took some work, but bit by bit, my perspective began to change, and I received a new paradigm for living. Instead of doing things to try and please God or to gain His approval I changed my focus to the truth that I already am pleasing to God, I already have His approval. Thats when I encountered the God who is love! The God who is full of joy and delight over His creation and desires us to have fellowship with Him! I began to experience His love for me personally. I realized He designed us each uniquely with a specific aspect of His nature inside of us, and takes pleasure in seeing us grow into who we truly are. 

Now I don’t have to ask for “more” from a place of lack. Instead I can ask from a place of security, knowing I am unconditionally loved, and affirmed by my Father in heaven. The things I do come out of a heart that is responding to His love, not a need for affirmation. I’m finally receiving the fulfillment I was looking for!

The songs that I now write come out of that reality. They reflect the awe and wonder of God’s love for us, and the journey of discovering who we are and who we can become!

Blessings to you on your journey, and may you experience the overwhelming joy and love of God daily.  

~ Annie ~